Elvis on Harley Davidson from some concert in 1957 i believe From a Wedding Elvis with an Impersonator thinking... A rare picture of Elvis in Scotland THE LEGENDARY MEMPHIS MAFIA
With fans on Hawaii Buying a car During shooting paradise Hawaiian Style with fans in 1968 Signed an autograph with Gladys Elvis the biker
Riding at Graceland Arrival in Hawaii at 1961 Some say it's Elvis and John... Well I doubt Hawaii 1957 Elvis and his dad Riding a bike Elvis the charity man
A great pic Elvis after the comeback riding again Elvis during Easter Elvis beaten up with cars Elvis Karate class On the Jeep in 1972
Funny Elvis In 1977 Pure stage power Elvis singin at Colonel's b'day It hurts me with lyrics changed 1957 70's

Rare & Rockin' :)

Some photos that take time to be found on the Net

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